Our Roles and Responsibilities
- To have a balanced understanding of issues based on the spectrum of views within the neighbourhood
- To represent members and the greater community in a respectful manner on all issues
- To support communication and awareness of local concerns
- To act for the community in its dealings with all levels of government

GARA hosts events such as:
- Community Skate Days
- Annual GARA Meetings
- Annual Park Cleanups
- All Candidates Meetings before elections.
Voice Your Concerns
We welcome your feedback and your suggestions and urge you to become a member of your residents association if you have not already done so.
Tell GARA your issues and your views by one of the following methods:
- E-mail –GARAthornhil@gmail.com
- Phone - Rhonda Duma: (905) 731-0284
Our Executive Members
Co-Chairs: Rhonda Duma and Corie Bonnaffon
Secretary: Ruth Anne Videan (Peter Cox, alternate)
Treasurer: Majda Ambrozic
Committee of Adjustment Representitive: Tarun Dewan
Membership and Special Events: Rhonda Duma
Newletter Editor and Webmaster: Corie Bonnaffon
Members at Large: Sabi Ahsan, Mohammad Azar, Marilyn Ginsberg, Leslie Girdharry, Lorena Pattanaik, Cathy Farrant