We are lucky enough to be able to access many helpful resources in our community.
This is an evolving list - so please feel free to suggest others.
Contact Our Local Representives
Keith Irish: Markham Councillor, Ward 1, Phone: 905.948.5101 kirish@markham.ca
Frank Scarpitti, Markham Mayor, Phone: 905.475.4872, mayorscarpitti@markham.ca
Michael Chan, Markham Deputy Mayor, Phone: 905.948.5110 MichaelChan@markham.ca
Alan Ho: Markham Regional Councillor, Phone: 905.948.5112 alan.ho@markham.ca
Jim Jones, Markham Regional Councillor, phone: 905.479.7757, jjones@markham.ca
Joe Li, Markham Regional Councillor, Phone: 905.479.7749, joeli@markham.ca
Jenny Chen, York Region Board of Education Trustee, phone: 289.221.4429 Jenny.chen@yrdsb.ca
Carol Cotton, York Region Catholic Board of Education, phone: 905.889.9064 carol.cotton@ycdsb.ca
For Adults 55+
Thornhill Seniors Club is a non-profit community organization for adults who are 55+ years. The centre offers an amazing variety of activities and programs that make it very different from the classic idea of a slightly pitiful collection of stereotypical events It is always bustling with a remarkable range of people enjoying a remarkable range of activities. This link will connect you to a sample list of activities.
The Seniors Centre is a 5,000 square foot space in the Thornhill Community Centre comprising a reception area and lounge, kitchen, accessible washrooms, three activity rooms and a snooker & games room. A further 2,000 square feet is used in the community hall for day-time operations. A gymnasium and therapeutic pool are available for certain programs as well. Community Centre facilities available to the Club include the library, computer lab in library space, skating rink and fitness centre. Membership costing $30 per year is required, and is open to residents of the City of Markham and is also open to some non-residents. Non-residents are limited to 25% of the total membership.

City Services At Your Fingertips
Need to check and see when the next garden garbage pickup is or want to ask about parking on your street? Markham has an app for that and many other things besides. Now available free from ITunes or the Google Play Store, this app is full of useful information and even includes the possibility of using your phone camera to report a problem to the by-law department.

Ontario Early Years Centre
EarlyON Child & Family Centres are welcoming, supportive and accessible places where children (birth to six years of age) and their parents, grandparents, and caregivers can play and learn together.
You can:
- take part with your children in a range of programs and activities
- get answers to questions
- get information about programs and services that are available for young children and their families talk to early years professionals, as well as other parents and caregivers in the community.
Our closest locations is Thornhill Community Centre with a mobile location at Thornhill Public School
Check it out at http://https://familydaycare.com/programs/earlyon/enter=444
Before and After School Childcare
Extended day childcare is available at Henderson School for students up to age 12. Summer programs and activities for PA Days are also available.

City of Markham Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Do you know how to be prepared for a fire or other potential emergencies? Information including multilingual material and activities for children, can be accessed at:
Canada Post in our Neighbourhood
All mail in our area is delivered to a community mail box. If a resident has significant mobility issues and cannot access their mail box, accommodations can be arranged.
If you have questions or concerns about access or upkeep, Canada Post can be reached at 1-844-454-3009.or visit canadapost.ca.

Phone-In Support
ttps://www.crisisservicescanada.ca/en/ call 1-833-456-4566 or text 45645
Seniors Help Line The Seniors Safety Line is a 24/7, confidential and free resource that provides information, referrals and support in over 150 languages for seniors experiencing abuse. Call 1-866-299-1011 for support. If you are in danger right now, call 911 or your local police
Women’s Assault Line 1-866-863-0511 / 416.863.0511
Talk 4 Healing Indigenous Women’s 1-855-554-4235 (HEAL)
Hope for Wellness Indigeneous counselling and crisis intervention. If you’re experiencing emotional distress and want to talk, contact the toll-free Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or the online chat at hopeforwellness.ca open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Kids Help Line need help now-text connect to 686868 or call 1-800-668-6868 or live chat
211 Ontario: For information and referrals for community, government, social and health services, including mental health resources across Ontario, call 211 or 1-877-330-3213. Live web chat is also available.
BounceBack: A free, evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program that offers guided mental health self-help supports for adults and youth 15+ using workbooks, online videos and phone coaching. Call 1-866-345-0224
Good to Talk service for Post Secondary Students 1-866-925-5454 and text good2talkon 686868
TeleHealth 1-866-797-0000 – TTY 1-866-797-0007 Get fast, free medical advice
York Region Public Health 1 877-464-9675
Markham Location 4261 Hwy 7, Unionville, ON L3R 9W6 call for hours