Pictures speak louder than words.
We feature pictures from events and gatherings in the neighbourhood as well as pictures that you, the community, have sent us.
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2021 – 2022
It’s been a year of coming together to enjoy and build our neighbourhood.

Family Skate Day 2019

Once again our neighbourhood rink became a gathering place for a neighbourhood celebration. The GARA Family Skate day has become a wonderful tradition which many look forward to every year. This year we were even lucky enough to have a skating demonstration from Matthew Markell, 2018 Canadian National Junior Men’s Champion. To watch him skate click here.
Family Skate Day 2017

A lovely snowy winter day, a great sheet of ice, lots and lots of friends and neighbours, young and old, plus hot dogs and hot chocolate were the ingredients for a wonderful afternoon. Tremendous thanks are due to the amazing contribution of our volunteers.
In a highlight of the afternoon, Gila Martow, MPP for Thornhill, presented an award to Ricardo Mashregi, Chair of GARA, recognizing the contribution of our annual Family Skate Day to the spirit of the community.
From Eyesore to Work of Art
During the summer of 2015, an eyesore became a local attraction! Surely our neighbourhood must be developing a reputation for its outstanding art. Watch the time-lapse video as James Ruddle and his young apprentices, Ben Baker, Quin Ellul, Sarah Ravoth and Amy Yu. create an exciting mural on the western portion of Henderson Bridge.
E.J.Sands Students Finally Have a Playground Again
Here you can watch as the students at E.J. Sands P.S. finally have playground equipment built especially for them, funded by the York Regional School Board, parents of E.J. Sands School Council and Section 37 monies from the City of Markham.

The Great Ice Storm
We survived the Ice Storm of 2013! How long was your power out was THE topic of conversation. Here, thanks to Ricardo Mashregi, are some pictures to help us remember just how remarkable it was.

The World on Yonge Grows Before Your Eyes
Pictures courtesy of John Hunter.

The First Mural going up at the CN overpass
Community Spirit Caring for our Parks
Thanks to Fiona Blondin, we have captured some of the hard work and fun at the annual Grandview Area parks spring clean-up. Thank you to the volunteers, of all ages who help take care of our neighbourhood.